National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarin

The National Academy of Education named after Ybyrai Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a scientific center that carries out methodological and scientific-methodological support of the education system and the educational process
About the Academy
History of the Academy

The National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin has a 100-year history. The first state institution for the coordination of research work under the People's Commissariat of Education - the Academic Center was opened in August, 1921 in the capital of the Kazakh SSR, Orenburg

Educational standard
100 since
1921 y.
Үлгілік оқу жоспарлары
13 Research and methodological recommendations
Үлгілік оқу бағдарламалары
Instructive and methodological letter
3 Science journal
Subject community